May 10, 2021

Club DJ – Hike Manitoba!

Club DJ in Cuba is changing lives.

Our Team – Hiking Across Manitoba!

Our goal this summer is to hike (along with some biking) across Manitoba, following the Great Trail, which is about 1500 kilometers in length. Alongside that, I would like to fundraise to support two Club DJ programs for one year.

Club DJ – Hearts that desire to please God!

Many, many young people in Cuba have no opportunity for spiritual growth or positive community.  Club DJ is changing that! Thousands of young people are connecting through Club DJ and embarking on a multi-year journey to develop hearts that desire to please God.  Club DJ ministry is transforming lives.

Our goal is to raise $3000 to support two Club DJ’s!

Sisterhood of the Traveling Sunglass

Manitoba – One Step at a Time

My friends and I will be following the portion of the Great Trail that crosses Manitoba. This trail is an interesting mix of scenery, as it begins in the Whiteshell area of Manitoba, crosses southern Manitoba and the prairies, and then reaches back north until it meet up with the Saskatchewan border. We will be using our weekends to travel out to different portions of the trail, hike our distance, and then spend the night at campgrounds along the way.

“My goal through the newsletters, website, and Instagram page is to maintain interest in the project and increase support to WorldServe.” – Kaylee

Originally we started with 54 Churches. Our goal this year is to grow to 200 churches across Cuba. We have seen remarkable outcomes with opportunity to disciple over 30,000 kids with the Gospel.

With your participation, Club DJ creates a youth movement dedicated to learning about God and following Him in practical ways. Through Club DJ and the host church, kids receive care, training, Bibles, sometimes even food, clothing or other family needs.

Be part of the impact for kids and families growing God’s church in amazing ways. Share with each other, pray for each other, encourage each other, rejoice with each other!

Club DJ

Kids in DJ are cared for at many levels, which often includes their whole family. There are currently food shortages, work problems and difficult situations faced.

Club DJ, and the church, is a beacon of hope.

Your support for Kaylee and team makes a real life difference in the lives of kids and families,
and that’s incredibly important!  

Donations  are tax-deductible for income tax purposes.

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Donation Total: $25.00